Electromagnetic wave propagation


We seek plane wave solutions to Maxwell's equations in a non-conducting, source-free, anisotropic linear dielectric medium

\[ \nabla \times \nabla \times {\bf E} = -\mu {\boldsymbol \epsilon} \frac{\partial^2 {\bf E}}{\partial t^2}, \]

where \({\bf E}\) is the electric field, \({\boldsymbol \epsilon}\) is the bulk dielectric permittivity tensor, and \(\mu\) the bulk isotropic permeability of the medium. Note this can also be written as \(\nabla^2 {\bf E} = \mu {\boldsymbol \epsilon} {\partial^2 {\bf E}}/{\partial t^2}\).

Substituting \({\bf E}\) for a plane wave solution, \({\bf E} = {\bf E}_0 \exp[i({\bf k}\cdot {\bf x} - \omega t)]\), the problem reduces to

\[ ({\bf K} + \omega^2 \mu {\boldsymbol \epsilon}) {\bf E} = {\bf 0}, \]

where \({\bf K} = {\bf k}\times{\bf k} \times\) is the matrix representation of the twice-applied cross product.

The above equation requires

\[ \det( {\bf K} + \omega^2 \mu {\boldsymbol \epsilon} ) = 0 . \]

Evidently, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of \({\boldsymbol \epsilon}^{-1} {\bf K}/(\mu k^2)\) are the permitted wave velocities squared and wave polarization, respectively, where

\[ V^2 = \frac{\omega^2}{k^2} \]

is the wave velocity squared.


If wave lengths are much longer than the average grain size, the problem can be closed by approximating the bulk polycrystalline permittivity tensor by the grain-averaged permittivity tensor

\[{\boldsymbol \epsilon} = \langle {\boldsymbol \epsilon}' \rangle,\]

constructed by averaging over all grain orientations (over the CPO).

Transversely isotropic grains

Monocrystal Polycrystal

If grains are approximately transversely isotropic w.r.t. the symmetry axis \({\bf m}'\), the dielectric permittivity tensor of a single crystal can be written as $$ {\boldsymbol \epsilon}' = (2\epsilon_{t}' + \epsilon_{m}') \frac{\bf I}{3} + (\epsilon_{m}'-\epsilon_{t}') \left( {\bf m}'^2 - \frac{\bf I}{3} \right), $$ where \(\epsilon_{m}'\) and \(\epsilon_{t}'\) are the permittivities parallel and perpendicular to the symmetry axis. In this case, the grain-averaged permitivity is simply

\[ {\boldsymbol \epsilon} = (2\epsilon_{t}' + \epsilon_{m}') \frac{\bf I}{3} + (\epsilon_{m}'-\epsilon_{t}') \left( \langle {\bf m}'^2 \rangle - \frac{\bf I}{3} \right) , \]

where \(\langle {\bf m}'^2 \rangle\) is the second-order structure tensor (aka \({\bf a}^{(2)}\)).

Example for glacier ice

Experimental, bug reports are welcome.

import numpy as np
from specfabpy import specfab as sf
lm, nlm_len = sf.init(4)
nlm = np.zeros((nlm_len), dtype=np.complex64) # array of expansion coefficients

### Physical parameters (note eps=eps0*epsr, mu=mu0*mur)
epsr_m = 3.17        # relative permittivity of a single grain parallel to symmetry axis (c) 
epsr_t = 3.17-0.034  # relative permittivity of a single grain perpendicular to symmetry axis (a)
mur = 1              # relative permeability of a single grain

### c-axis number distribution (nlm) from second-order structure tensor (a2)
p = np.array([0,0,1]) # preferred c-axis direction
a2 = np.einsum('i,j', p,p) # a2 if ODF = deltafunc(r-p) 
nlm[:sf.L2len] = sf.a2_to_nlm(a2) # l<=2 expansion coefficients for corresponding normalized ODF

### Propagation directions of interest
theta, phi = np.deg2rad([0,90,]), np.deg2rad([0,0,]) # wave-vector directions (theta is colatitude, phi is longitude)

### Calculate phase velocities
Vi = sf.Vi_electromagnetic_tranisotropic(nlm, epsr_m, epsr_t, mur, theta,phi) # fast and slow phase velocities are V_S1=vi[0,:], V_S2=vi[1,:]

Evolving CPO

The below animation shows directional S-wave velocities for a CPO evolving under \({\hat {\bf x}}\)\({\hat {\bf z}}\) confined compression, relative to an isotropic CPO, when subject to lattice rotation.

Orthotropic grains

Not yet supported.